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"So ya like dags?" "Oh, DOGs!...yeah I like dogs."

What do you do when one of the classes you're collaborating with is doing an "animals helping humans" research project? Well, you call an old high school friend who happens to work for The Dept. of Homeland Security of course! I pulled some strings, called in some favors and it all worked out. We got some amazing dogs to come in with their handlers!

Mr. Brian Jordan is a Regional Canine Training Instructor for the Dpt. of HS. He oversees the training of service dogs at different airports around the U.S. On short notice, he gathered his Columbus based resources and orchestrated an event for our entire 6th grade here at Diley Middle School. Along with his many years of service and experience handling service dogs in the U.S. Navy, Mr. Jordan brought his team member, Field Canine Coordinator Mr. Matt DeMoss. Two Columbus Airport Police officers, Officers David Knepper and Joe Creitz were kind enough to accompany the stars of the show: German Pointers Bond and Adler.

Throughout the demonstration Mr. Jordan and Mr. DeMoss explained the training process and answered many interesting questions from the students. Officer Knepper gave an excellent description of how each K9 officer performs differently, the technique they use and how they are rewarded. During this time, Officer Creitz and the exuberant Bond gave a demonstration of searching luggage and the surrounding area. After another Q and A with Mr. Jordan and Mr. DeMoss, Officer Knepper and the cool, calm, collected Adler swept the surrounding area and crowd to show their different technique. Sadly, one of our teachers was swept up in the demo because of a suspicious smelling was clearly a plant though. We all know Mrs. Smith wouldn't ever be caught with a ghastly purse like THAT.

At the end of the demonstration, the students had the chance to ask more questions, and even get a class picture with the entire crew! Thanks to Mr. Jordan, Mr. DeMoss, Officers Knepper and Creitz for this entertaining and enlightening demo! I know the next time any of the students are at the airport they'll be looking for Bond and Adler around each corner!

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